Week 5 of Anniversary Challenge

So I'm back up another 3 pounds. But... good news! I hired the Dietitian. I'm starting on her routine as of next Monday! She went through the foods I'm eating and said 'you could eat 1000 calories a day and still gain weight' with the way I was eating. It's all in the science and blood sugar levels. Apparently I've been spiking my blood sugars on a regular basis - creating Insulin. And - guess what - when you do that, the food/calories you consume go straight to the FAT CELLS! Good grief. Anyhow - I'm going to share with you the foods I'm getting to eat. She's setting me up with a diet and daily instructions - apparently I'm guaranteed to lose weight.

We shall see! I'm excited though. I'm restarting my '90 day challenge' from my To Do list to September 1st. I'm also getting those extra 1/week super strength workouts added in starting then as well. Okay goal - here I come!


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