How to Not Look 50+ series: How to Straighten Hair the Healthy Way

Check out my latest how to! Still on track for my 25th anniversary 'look fab' goal! This is me now - still working hard and keeping hair healthy and long is tricky to do when you're 52 - like me :-)

Questions? Just ask... Note: The important part here is that I am air drying my hair, deep conditioning it first, then using wide tooth comb only after it's dry. Then, section out each piece into one inch pieces and use hot flat iron to straighten. I turn down the heat to do the 'high traffic area' or top of my head. Try to go over only 1-2 times, curling under at the ends. Then - comb each section with regular comb immediately after hot iron. I end it off by using a serum or oil all over. Having very dry hair - I can use a ton!!

This will last me a full week (depending on my workout schedule).


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